Saturday, December 5, 2009 7:32 PM, CST

Brrrrrrr, is it cold! At least we haven’t had snow like at home.

We have spent quite a lot of time at the clinic this week. Lots of waiting. We were called back to the clinic this evening (right in the middle of the AL/FLA game!!) - another bump in the road - he has an infection so he was given two more antibiotic infusers. One for now and one for in the morning. Hopefully this will get rid of his fevers, I know he will feel better when they are gone. His white count has jumped again, we are so glad he is no longer neutropenic!

We just got home and I made us a pot of potato soup - nice warm comfort food! We got a wonderful surprise yesterday from Bruce and Janice, a beautiful basket of the yummiest cookies. Knowing I need those extra calories - maybe I can control myself, but doubt it! Mrs. Santa Clause is supposed to be round, isn’t she?

Mark’s hair is creeping back out, little mustache and beard - solid white -the nurses decided it was Christmas chemo - makes Santas.

We saw Tom and his Dad, Jack, this morning on 7C. It was so good to see them. Tom is in complete remission - Thank God for his blessings.

We love you, Karen

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