Sunday, December 27, 2009 10:35 PM, CST


Just a short update, my sweet Karen has been sick in bed with some crud for 3 days. Saturday she got up, ate breakfast and took it easy most of the day (cleaned half the house). Today she felt better and is wearing a mask (cleaned more of the house). So I went to church, sat on the back row with mask and bald head and cried off and on through the service. It was great preaching and wonderful company.

Our family Christmas has been on hold since everyone seems to be sick with something, so we plan on getting together in the coming week. As my Spanish daughter in law says, “we will make it a Spanish Christmas which lasts for several weeks”. Sounds good to me ... who's buying?

Karen and I are treasuring these days before we go back to Arkansas around January 10th.

Eating pizza tonight with some wine. So I must review this bottle of Chateau Vieux Moulins de Chereau 2005. The French sure are wordy. I bought this wine 5 years ago on the futures market for 14 bucks. It is from the Saint-Emilion. Excellent bouquet, like raspberries, smooth great aroma. I give it a 90MAF.



*Urban Renewal should stay retired at Florida ......................... they will become mediocre after Tebow

*The Lord has been good to me all my life... just do not know why

*The irony of golf is people tend to practice their strengths instead of the weaknesses...Harvey Penick

*Bear Bryant died 3 days after passing a physical.

*It bothers me that Doctors have a practice ... that means they are always practicing

*Best job to have (besides working for the government) is the weatherman...the pay is good and you don't ever have to be right!


Cheers and Happy holidays from all of us in Valley Head. May God Bless us All.

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